The Big Blue Market, put on by Bryant High School’s FBLA, provides opportunities for both students and community members to sell and buy from each other as well as make their small businesses known. Near the bus loop on Sat. Sept. 21, students gathered to shop from the variety of venues of their fellow classmates and local civilians.
Open to the public, students and members of the community gathered at Bryant High School to support not only classmates’ small businesses, but FBLA as well. The venues consisted of anything that students made or items bought to resell, such as vintage clothing articles, crocheted items and even baked goods.

FBLA originally began putting on The Big Blue Market as a fundraiser, but it soon became much more as students were given an opportunity to display their craftsmanship through the sale of their products.
“The Big Blue Market directly aids FBLA [since] it coincides with [their] mission to connect education to industry and give students direct experience to their intended career path,” senior Dylan Vinson said.
Students had the opportunity to not only make a profit, but to gain experience with running a business.
“Students can access a local network of customers and businesses,” Vinson said.

(Abby Petty)
The next opportunity to attend the market or join FBLA will be in the winter
“We want to do one every season to see what we could get to see if there was a difference in sales for September for the fall to the spring,” FBLA teacher Cheryl Harrell said.