Growing up and Getting a Job

Madison Basco, Writer

While you’re a kid, all you can think about is growing up and finally being on your own. Being a teen means that adulthood is right around the corner, and as you turn 16, you have opportunities that give you a taste of adulthood. One of these opportunities is getting a job.

Sophomore Alexia Munoz got her first job working for her family’s store, El Mercado Latino. At 16, she got a job as a cashier and translator for customers who do not speak Spanish.

“I mainly needed a distraction, because I don’t like being at home, and I want to have work experience for when I get older,” Munoz said. “[My job] has taught me a lot of patience.”  

Jobs can be difficult to adjust to, especially first jobs. Munoz found it scary at first. However, she now understands that there are a lot of benefits.

“When I had to cash [customers] out, they seemed kind of intimidating, and my hands were always shaking,” Munoz said. “[But now,] I get to meet new people and my coworkers are really nice.”

Junior Truli Bates got her first job at Bishop Park a year ago. Her job requires her to do a little bit of everything, from greeting people to setting up for events. Like many teens, she has to have a job with flexible hours to fit her crazy schedule.

“The hardest part about [my job] has been balancing my school work with volleyball and also having a social life, [while still] trying to go to all the social events,” Bates said. “I have times where I don’t want to go to work and I just want to be a kid again, but it’s never been too [difficult].

Bates’ job has also helped her learn about managing money.

“It has showed me what my priorities are, and it’s made me value things more,” Bates said. “I buy my own things, I pay for my own gas, if I want to go shopping I pay for it with my own money, and if I want Chick-fil-a in the morning, I pay for it.”

Bates believes that her job will help her in outside of high school.

“My boss holds me accountable and [helps me] set my priorities,” Bates said. “It makes me realize the real value of money. I think that will help me when I get to college.”

One of the most significant things that Bates’ job has taught her is how to approach people.

“It’s easier to communicate with people if you’re happy, and [if] you’re kind to people,” Bates said. “Instead of being shut off and shy, [be] open with people, and they will be a lot kinder to you, too.”