FEATURE: Musical Prodigy Callie Maurer

Virtuoso plans pursuing music

Portugal Diaz

Callie Maurer prepares to play piano for the wind symphony band assessment.

Shelby Douthit, Staff Writer

   Tiny fingers run across the piano keys as 6-year-old Callie Maurer learns what will be her future passion. 

  “I was first introduced to piano lessons in Kindergarten when my sister broke her wrist and couldn’t play the piano for six weeks.” Maurer said, “ it was a relatively short introduction, but that gave me a really solid foundation on technique, and that solid foundation gave me a head start when I formally began taking private lessons in 2nd grade.”

    Maurer’s first recital was in kindergarten where she performed ‘Hot Crossed Buns.’ It hardly affected me because I was so young and used to having to do new things,” Maurer said,” but I’m glad I never had to go into the shock of suddenly playing at recitals as an older kid.”

   After 5th grade, Maurer qualified to compete at a statewide competition for the first time.

  “That’s when I realized that I actually enjoyed performing piano and wanted to definitely continue it,” Maurer said. “With piano you can perform beautiful pieces solo, or you can become an accompaniment—a voice that amplifies one greater than its own—and function in tandem with another person or group.” 

    Maurer decided she definitely wanted to continue in the art, however, she did not know what she wanted to do with it professionally until mid-Junior year.

   “Ultimately, I want to professionally accompany soloists, choirs, and/or a university, but I would love to continue teaching piano privately on the side,” Maurer said. 

    Maurer is unsure why she is so drawn to piano specifically, but her favorite part about being a pianist is the connections she has made with people.

   “I love sharing that connection with others and furthering my understanding of it as I continue learning and collecting more repertoire,” Maurer said. 

   Maurer’s musical talent is not limited to the piano, she also is a percussionist for the school. 

   “I started band mid-way through the first semester of my 7th-grade year,” Maurer said. “Band has so many more social components and teaches you life skills, which have translated to my musicality as a whole and improved my performance ability. However, overall, I would say I love the community and opportunity that band presents.”

   Band has a lot of practices and performances, so Maurer’s free time is mostly taken up by the curricular.

   “I’m passionate about the way it has helped me mature, gain life skills, and bring about connections with people,” Maurer said. “I’ve marched for tenor drums for Legacy and BHS indoor for 3 years, co-leading the section both Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 with Hayden Wylie-I would not have been able to do it without him.”

   The art of music has helped guide Maurer through social life and personal life skills.  

   “Music has been my way of relating to people, understanding myself and others,” Maurer said. “There are so many facets of any work that I love to explore and I wish to share my fascination with others.”

    Maurer plans to attend the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville to continue her musical talents, and her passion for others professionally. 

   “In the future, I hope to professionally accompany, but I also want to be a pillar of support for the people I know and care about,” Maurer said. “There’s so much that happens to bring people down and I want to be someone who helps them heal.”