Every year, a new class of seniors emerges in the halls, eager to take down the final year of high school and count down the days until they walk across the stage at graduation.
It is the final year that counts.
It is the year to take every aspect of one’s future into consideration and every decision counts: What college to attend, what major to have, and what scholarships to apply for.
“I plan to join the Air Guard and then go to college through them,” senior Kaelob Lee said. “Then do something medical so I can help people and actually do something with my life.”
From childhood, Lee had a preconception of the type of person he wished to become. The ideas of his future, from marriage to college were always in sight. Overwhelmingly, the idea of the type of job he would one day hold became the most prevalent.
“When I was a kid, I knew I wanted to go in the military or something,” Lee said. “I just knew I wanted to help people and it was something I wanted to do with my life.”
The influences of family are often considered as a path to take towards one’s career and are also what drove Lee to pursue a military career.
“I always wanted to go in the military, because so much of my family was in it, like my grandpa, my uncles, [and] my dad,” Lee said. “I just thought, it’s a noble thing to do, and everyone should serve. You can’t go wrong going into the military.”
Lee has always had a sense of gratitude, pride and appreciation towards soldiers for their nobility.
“I just wanna work my hardest, do my job and help soldiers,” Lee said. “Just as long as I’m helping people and having a good time, I’ll be happy.”