Going to college is overrated.
Society has made a list of what high school students must do to become successful in life: you must have a 4.0 GPA, make a 36 on your ACT, go to college and major in something that makes a lot of money.
Society for years has bound students in lies that they must go to college to become society’s definition of successful which is living in the nicest home, wearing expensive name brands and driving the sleekest car.
Being successful is not about how much money a person makes or what his profession is. As long as the person is happy with his life, then he will forever be successful. Pursuing ones dreams regardless of if it entitles going to college or making a lot of money is what really matters. I’m not saying that going to college is not important because it is, but it’s not required for one to achieve his dreams. Look at some of the nation’s greatest innovators who didn’t go to or finish college: Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft), Steve Jobs (founder of Apple), John Mackey (founder of Whole Foods), and this is just to name a few.
Society as a whole has not fully accepted the fact that not everyone is made to sit in a classroom for another four years after high school. Some students are capable of having a promising career by jumping into the workforce right after high school. Students should follow their heart to what they want to do in life, but must also weigh the consequences of whatever their decisions might be.