Get to Know the Cast of “Anything Goes”


Photos – Maya Jackson

Bella Castro, Writer

The 2016 spring musical is “Anything Goes,” a comedy set in the 1930’s.

Some of the students in lead roles expressed their feelings about the play and the character they are portraying.


“I like there is a character in the play for everyone to relate to,” junior John Mark Junkins said. He is playing Elisha J. Whitney. (Pictured right)

IMG_7575edit    “I enjoy [that] I am going to be a character who is outside of my comfort zone and I am kind of doing something different this time,” senior Jonathan Rollins said. “It is quite an experience being someone totally different.”

He is playing a character named Moonface Martin. (Pictured left)


“I am glad I have an opportunity to play my first ever lead in the show,” junior Michael Fuhrman said. His character is a major lead named Billy Crocker. (Pictured left)


“I am extremely honored to be playing one of the leads for the first time at Bryant High School. I think it is breaking huge barriers for this musical and for our drama class in general because this is set in the 1930’s and having an African American woman as a lead is pretty big,” senior Sharayah Wallace said. She is playing the lead character Reno Sweeney.  (Pictured right)