After Prom Party


Amber McFadden

The 2015 prom ended with games and food to provide fun for students not attending other events after prom. Principal Dr. Jay Pickering was the only administrative sponsor, because the staff wanted to stress it was not a school sponsored event. It was hosted by community parents to provide safe and supervised fun for students who attended prom.

This year, however, the event is school sponsored with seniors Charlie Terry, Alexis Lorio, Allie Atkinson and junior Hannah Harris as members of the planning committee. A survey was sent out to students to verify if they would attend and what activities they were interested in.

“I think about 400 responded,” Lorio said. “100 said they would come, which is more than the approximate 50 [we anticipated].”

The committee has not done much publicizing since prom is still a few months away, but plans to advertise once prom gets closer.

“I imagine there will be posters, social media blasts, and announcements,” Lorio said.

Last year’s after party had a small turn-out, although none of the committee members know the definite number of students who attended.

“I know there were a lot of sweets and pizza,” Lorio said.

This year they hope to have more food and games to attract more people.

“We’re looking for some food trucks to come,” Lorio said.

Charlie Terry did not attend last year’s event, but hopes that with enough planning, more people will attend this year.

“This year, we’re trying to plan a lot more,” Terry said.

With busy schedules and prom so far away, these plans have not been set in motion but will start mid to late February.