Setting a World Record

Brad Brewer, Print Editor

Breaking a world record is considered an unattainable dream for some, but senior James Lasley has made it his hobby.

Lasley’s interest led him to the website, and he found numerous records related to dogs and their owners.

“I have always wanted to break a world record,” Lasley said. “I originally looked up the fastest time that it took for a dog to eat a loaf of bread, which will make sense during the talent show. But I found this website that has all kinds of weird world records that Guinness won’t do. I was looking through the records, and I saw some that made me think, ‘I can beat that.’ I found one for petting my dog and said, ‘I can totally do that,’ because I pet my dog anyway.”

After failing to break the world record for ‘Fastest Time for Dog and Owner to Eat a Piece of Toast,’ Lasley searched through the website until he found the world record for ‘Most Consecutive Times to Pet a Dog,’ and the rest was world history.

“The record [for toast] was two minutes and 36 seconds, which is a long time to just eat toast,” Lasley said. “But the trick was that the dog had to take a drink of water in order for the clock to stop. So we ate our pieces of toast in about 40 seconds, but he didn’t drink the water. I was already annoyed [because] we didn’t beat that record, and then I attempted to break the petting record, but my mom was making dinner, so he kept smelling it and trying to get up and leave while I was petting him. He didn’t make it easy.”

Lasley petted his dog Rascal 500 times, shattering the previous record of 200 successful pets.

A plaque is available to Lasley if he desires to purchase the award, but he is not currently sure if it is worth it.

“You can [get a plaque], but it’s like $35, and I’m not sure if it’s worth it or not,” Lasley said. “I’m debating it. Maybe for a Christmas present, I will talk my mom into it.”

With plans to set the world record for the fastest time for a dog to consume a loaf of bread at the talent show, Lasley says he does not plan to stop his conquest for records anytime soon.

“I figure, if I can break a record, why not [break more records]?” Lasley said. “I am going to look into it. They have millions and millions of records on there, and there are some I feel like I can beat. I feel like holding world records is pretty cool, so I might as well.”