Burchfield Takes The Reigns

Abby Hagner, Staff Writer

Galloping around the last barrel, Junior Alissa Burchfield releases the feeling of accomplishment as being handed the glittering golden trophy, Burchfield competes in horse competitions all around the state and has been since she was little.

“I started riding horses at my aunt’s house, because that’s where we keep all of the horses,” Burchfield said, “I compete in Arkansas state horse shows, and I am a part of the North East Central Association.”

Burchfield’s fifteen-year-old horse is named Cash. Burchfield wears jeans, boots and a t-shirt for riding and competing.

“Riding is relaxing and calms me down after a hard day,” Burchfield said.

Burchfield says she finds a sense of family when riding.

“When I ride to practice, I feel peace and safe and a sense of family, but when I ride at a show I feel nervous and accomplished,” Burchfield said.

Burchfield’s riding season is April through September. She drives to Rondo to practice at her Aunt’s house.

“Rondo, is two hours away, so I have to travel to be able to practice,” Burchfield said.

Alissa’s Burchfield, Shelby also rides horses.

“Horse riding is our family hobby,” Alissa Burchfield said. “It’s the most fun getting to go to a horse show as a family and have that special time we get to spend together all year long, and it has allowed us to grow closer and stay close as a family.”

Burchfield looks forward to the adrenaline rush she gets every time she goes into the arena to compete.

“Riding horses is the best experience ever,” Burchfield said. “The trust bond I am able to form with my horse is awesome.”