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The student news publication of Bryant High School in Bryant, Arkansas

Prospective Online

The student news publication of Bryant High School in Bryant, Arkansas

Prospective Online

The student news publication of Bryant High School in Bryant, Arkansas

Prospective Online

Leila Brown

Leila Brown, Writer

Meet Leila! Leila is a sophomore and has been a part of newspaper for three years. Leila enjoys spending time with her friends and being part of such an important component of Bryant High school. She is part of the National Society of High School Scholars, (NSHSS) French club, and book club. She enjoys taking photos for the BHS Newspaper and aspires to be a veterinarian. She likes reading fantasy and science fiction novels and listening to Christian rock music. She is actually in the process of writing her own novel, a science fiction novel, and is trying to win the Guinness World Record for Youngest Published Author. She loves Stranger Things and her favorite book series is the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. Hoping to get all ‘A’s this year, she’s excited to see how it plays out!

All content by Leila Brown