Mumford and Sons Announce Concert
November 10, 2015

Returning from an international tour, Mumford and Sons will play at Verizon Arena in North Little Rock April 7, 2016. Tickets, starting at $59.50, will go on sale to the public on Friday, Nov. 13.
“One of my friends actually tweeted about the concert and when I went and looked up the tour dates, and I saw that they were coming to Arkansas,” senior Tim Croft said. “The actual concert is two days before my birthday, which is super exciting. I plan to buy tickets as soon as the box office opens.”
Croft recalls the first time he fell in love with the band.
“My friend Em Williams actually got me into them, but I’ve loved them for a couple of years now,” Croft said. “I like their alternative style. It’s kind of raspy in a really cool way. My favorite song by them is ‘Little Lion Man.’”
Junior Sarah Brady, a newer fan, is excited to see the concert with fellow junior Emma Goad.
“My friend Emma Goad got me hooked onto them, and she texted me about the concert and was like, ‘We have to go,’” Brady said. “I love live music, and I know that they are a fun band to see live. I can’t wait to see them.”
Long-time fan sophomore Madison Treat has been eagerly awaiting the Mumford and Sons United States tour.
“I follow Mumford and Sons on Instagram, and I saw that they had posted about tour dates,” Treat said. “I read that they were coming to the U.S. and I freaked out in the middle of class, and then I saw that they were coming to Little Rock and I freaked out even more.”
Treat is excited to see the concert with her family, who are also fans of the band.
“My dad got me into Mumford and Sons when I was in sixth grade, and I’ve been obsessed with them ever since,” Treat said. “I can’t choose a favorite song or album because I love them all. They are super perfect.”