Inside Look: FCCLA Color Run

Jazzmyn Peterson, Print Editor

With various service projects ranging from volunteering at the Rice Depot to raising money for Children’s Hospital under their belt , FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America), along with the Partner’s Club, will host the Color Run on October 31.

Check-in will begin at 7:30 a.m. and the run will be from 8:00 a.m to 10:00 a.m. Each participant must pay an entry fee of $20 and complete the registration form.

“The course will begin at the middle school, wrap around the high school, and end back at the middle school,” FCCLA president junior Haley Killgore said. “We made sure the course was easy to navigate so everyone could participate.”

The Color Run, also referred to as “The Happiest 5K on the Planet,” is a national event that began in 2011. Its purpose is to promote a happier and healthier community.

“Our advisor had already been researching the event when we went on the Color Run website,” Killgore said. “They had this “Contact Us” section, and they have been helping us setup for the event. They helped with the flyers and helped with getting us the supplies, and then we did the hype video.”

Though it will differ from the national Color Run in distance, the FCCLA Color Run has a similar purpose.

“We are throwing it for the community,” junior Anna Owens, FCCLA vice president said. “A lot of people seem interested in it, so I’m excited. I think the turnout will be great.”

Participants are expected to wear white clothes while they run through the course.

“As [participants] run, they will get sprayed with liquid color,” Killgore said. “At the finish line, everyone will take a color packet and they will throw it up, and it will create a huge cloud of color that will fall on them.”

The Color Run is also a fundraiser. The money collected will go towards paying for the buses FCCLA needs to travel to meetings, and funding Special Olympics.

“ [Trips] cost a lot of money,” Killgore said. “ We are allowing the Partner’s Club to help because they need the money too.”

For those attending the event, there will be a face painting area and refreshments will be sold.

“Even though [this event] is a fundraiser, the true focus is to bring the community together in a really fun and different way,” Killgore said.