As a child, AV Tech and Film teacher James Paul never imagined he would follow in his parents’ footsteps.
“My parents are teachers,” Paul said. “I never wanted to follow them until one of my friends told me that my dad was his favorite teacher and he changed his life. I realized I wanted to be just like him.”
Outside of teaching, Paul enjoys an active lifestyle.
“I love music and going to shows,” Paul said. “I also play soccer as much as possible and ride bikes as far as possible.”
Despite his out of school activities, Paul’s biggest passion has always been in film.
“I’m a big fan of film but I never thought I would be doing this kind of thing for a living,” Paul said. “It’s always just been a hobby.”
Paul’s teaching style is different than most teachers, holding himself to the same level of involvement as his students.
“I’ve found that if I make it a point to film and edit videos along with the kids I continue to get better at my job,” Paul said. “It’s always my goal to find the balance between having a ton of fun and learning a bunch at the same time.”
Keeping with the bond between teachers and students, Paul is the head of Friends of Rachel, a group of students promoting kindness and compassion as well as anti-bullying in honor of Rachel’s Challenge. After being asked to lead the club, Paul was ecstatic.
“If I’m honest, I was hoping to be involved somehow” Paul said. “I have a heart for things like Rachel’s Challenge and I want everyone to feel like they are important.”
Being so involved with his students, Paul wants to express just how passionate he is about the whole learning process: learning and teaching.
“I love having variety in my life and staying motivated to keep learning. I’m addicted to learning,” Paul said.
Paul says he grows closer to his students and the faculty with each day, but his passion for teaching grows even stronger.
“My favorite thing about teaching is everything it’s not,” Paul said. “It’s not boring, it’s not mundane, it’s not selfish, and it’s never the same.”