Name: Bree Hood
Escorts: Austin Fisher #54, Dillion Daniels #30
Bree is on the varsity cheerleading team and the varisity track team. Bree also is a member of the Partner’s Club. If she had the choice, she would have an identical twin. She believes that switching places would come in handy with her busy schedule.
Name: Ellie Hooten
Escorts: Chad Adams #66, Drew Allen #56
Ellie is a BHS Ambassador and plays trumpet for the Legacy. She is on the school swim team and also swims for BASS AAU. Ellie enjoys playing keyboard and singing worship for her church. Intrigued with the roaring ‘20s, Ellie would want a round trip in a time machine to experience a life of mobsters and speak easies.
Name: Kaycee Godsey
Escorts: Caleb McElyea #64, Jimbo Seala #87
Kaycee loves the band. She listens to them at every pep rally and sits in on practices during her fourth block class. Her best friend is Jessie Davis, but in reality they are more like brother and sister. Together, they listen to music and talk while he takes care of her every need.
Name: Anna Owens
Escorts: Drew Tipton #1, Hunter Fuggit #33
Anna is an officer for FCCLA. In her free time, she spends time with her close friends and family. Anna’s dream super power would be to fly because of her love for traveling and riding in planes.