Big Hero 6-
Closest in release date, “Big Hero 6,” is a new 3-D animated film from Disney, based off the original Marvel comic of the same name. Hiro Hamada, a young genius of robotics, creates a robot called Baymax and gets a ragtag group of crime-fighting teens together in order to foil a dastardly criminal plot. Taking a more anime-like style of animation, the film seems to hold great potential, as with most Marvel based films. The film is slated for release on November 7th, so the wait isn’t too long.
Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass-
With the moderate popularity of Tim Burton’s reimagining of the classic “Alice in Wonderland,” it seemed only natural for a sequel. It’s been four years since the release, and will be only a couple more until the release of “Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass.” Not much has been released about the story of this sequel, but it can be assumed to follow Lewis Carroll’s sequel book of the same name, yet with a few differences to stay canonical with the previous films changes. This film will feature returning cast members such as Helena Bonham Carter, Johnny Depp and Anne Hathaway, to name a few, yet funnily no Tim Burton, instead a new director James Bobin. Release is currently set for May 27th, 2016.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales-
A series that never seems to go away, a new “Pirates of the Caribbean,” movie named “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales,” has been announced from Disney. Practically no official information has been released aside from the series protagonist, performed by Johnny Depp, refilling his roll. Filming is set to begin in Australia next year, and there is no official release date aside from the year 2017.
Another from the Disney nature documentary style of movie, “Monkey Kingdom,” follows a monkey mother and her child surviving in their troop of monkeys. The release is close, next year on April 17th, and seems simple enough in style to be enjoyable for anyone in the mood for cute monkey action.
Star Wars Episode VII-
The most well known future release, “Star Wars Episode VII,” will take place a few decades after the end of “Return of the Jedi,” following a new trio of characters with some of the older one’s returning as well. Directed by well renowned director J.J. Abrams, much hype has been building around the movie even the story hasn’t been released to the public yet. Scheduled for release Dec. 18th next year, it seems like an eternity away for dedicated fans.