The votes were taken, and the results are in. The 2015 senior class officers are Jimbo Seale, Sarah Shepard, Kori Dement, Clay Crandall and Katie Maurer.
“At first my mom pushed me to apply for this, but after a while, I embraced it,” Seale said. “Campaigning was stressful though, but I tried to stay positive.”
Seale pasted up posters and passed out candy to students as a way to campaign. While Seale was nervous about whether or not he would win, once he heard the news he was relieved.
As President, Seale has many duties to make the year successful. Handling future class reunions, assigning the senior games and speaking at graduation are some of his tasks.
“I’m probably gonna cry during graduation,” Seale said. “Even though Bryant will be the biggest class in the state next year, we’re all really close.”
With a laughter-inducing speech, Shepard won the office of vice president. Her main task as vice president is to help Seale with any of his duties. If he failed to attend a meeting, then Shepard would fill his place for that meeting.
“Jimbo asked me if I wanted to team up with him as his vice president,” Shepard said. “Since I thought it would be a good and fun experience and I wanted to help, I agreed.”
Shepard joined with Seale during the campaigning around school and on Twitter. Because Shepard is also a part of the band and a local church youth group, she will be able to reach out to the underclassmen along with other seniors.

“I really want to get to know more of the upperclassmen, so with my role as secretary I can do that,” Dement said. “I also really wanted to help with senior week because it always seems like so much fun.”
As secretary, Dement will take attendance at meetings, keep information organized and help with the senior games.
“Campaigning was so much fun for me,” Dement said. “One of my friends helped me cosplay as Katniss Everdeen and took my picture for it to be on the posters; I loved it.”
Most of the officers also see his or her position as a way to help them gain scholarships for college as well.
Sometimes the simplest speeches are the most successful, as with Crandall’s “Don’t Play, vote Clay,” slogan and speech.
“I’ve become really interested in politics, and I thought that this would be a good way to help lead my senior class,” Crandall said.
Crandall is the treasurer and handles the balance of money for the seniors.
“One of the best parts so far was when I celebrated with the other officers by having pizza in Mrs. Seale’s room,” Crandall said.
Maurer is the reporter historian; she handles the officer’s Twitter page, helps the officers with whatever they need and is essentially the errand runner.
“I was in the leadership class with the current historian, Emma Patrick. She would tell me about it and I really got interested in this,” Maurer said. “Being involved with school activities is more enjoyable for me, so this is a way for me to be involved.”
While Maurer was unopposed, she has already become involved with the current juniors by starting up the Twitter page, where she tweets about the events that are happening around the school.
“I feel like the five of us will be good leaders,” Seale said. “We work well together and I think this will be the best senior year yet.”