Thriving basketball player senior CJ Rainey is known for his moves on the basketball court, but has a passion for his not so obvious interests.
“I play the piano; I like to write poems,” Rainey said.
Inspired by his family, Rainey began playing the piano in sixth grade and practices at his house. He has performed in two concerts and said he enjoys playing jazz.
“I just love music. It helps me with stress. I feel relaxed when I’m playing. Nothing else really matters while the music is playing,” Rainey said. “Conference has started so I won’t get to play it as much right now.”
Rainey said he prefers playing the piano to his other hobbies, and said he is considering moving to California to pursue it as a career.
“My grandma, uncle and a lot of my cousins play the piano. My uncle is the best at it. He is a famous producer because of learning how to play music,” Rainey said.
He said writing a song and having it produced is a goal in his life.
As a freshman, Rainey started to write poetry, and said that it had the same effect on him as playing the piano.
“I started writing poetry on my own,” he said. “I love reading poems in my free time.”
Rainey said his inspiration comes from his life.
“My favorite poem is called ‘The Painting of Love.’ I had a lot of feelings inside that I needed to let out,” Rainey said. “It made me feel a lot better.”
Rainey said he keeps all his poems in one folder, but that he hasn’t written much lately.
“I used to write them all the time, but basketball takes away from it so I haven’t in a while,” he said.
At a Boys and Girls Club when he was 5-years-old, Rainey played his first basketball game.
“None of my family members played any sports so I don’t know what inspired me,” Rainey said. “My mom said I taught myself from just watching others. I used to go to the Boys and Girls Club after school and watch the older kids. I guess they taught me how.”
Rainey has moves when it comes to basketball.
“My mid-range pull up jumper is what I’m good at. It goes in 9/10 times,” he said. “No one can stop me from going left. That’s my strong hand. I also have a killer crossover that I work on all the time. As soon as I crossover, I like to spin back really fast and shoot.”
When people find out that he writes poetry, Rainey said that they’re usually surprised.
“Because I play basketball, I guess they don’t think I can write poetry, too,” Rainey said.