As snow falls to the ground, students check the news channels and the schools’ Twitter page in the hope of canceled school.
Students were out of school Friday, Dec. 13 and Monday Dec. 16. Students also had a 2-hour delay Thursday, Jan. 9.
“That day was just hectic for us; we had hundreds of phone calls that day [Thursday Jan. 9],” Linda Zuber, attendance secretary for grades 11 and 12, said. “Parents and students were asking when to get to school, when the buses will pick up, and especially if students don’t come if their absence will be excused.”
The school excused all students absences that Thursday.
The decision on whether school would be in session is decided by Tom Farmer, transportation director, and Randy Rutherford, superintendent.
Students had a difficult time traveling to school because the roads were iced.
The schedule on the website includes five makeup days as required by the state. If students miss more than five snow days, then the school will have to choose, from the days school already closed, what day to have school.
Originally, the last day of school would had been May 31, but now because of the two snow days students will have their last day on June 3.