Whether by performing interviews, massive parades, or creating national sites in honor of soldiers, supporting cadets has never been uncommon. One student, senior Bradley Neugent, decided to add to the mass support of the country by asking all of the elementary schools in the district to get their students to write thank you cards to veterans who have already served the country and has retired from the military, and Christmas cards to active duty soldiers.
“Matthew Allison, Emily Reed, Ally Taylor and I were sitting around in the ROTC room trying to come up with community service ideas and brain storming and this one stood out,” Neugent said.
Wars have broken out over the years, some lasting very short periods of time, and others lasting for 10 years. It is easy to forget about soldiers when news is usually focused on political scandals. From the first in last out Marines to the skies and space control Air Force to the sea-based Navy to the force to be reckoned with Army to the infamous Coast Guard, kids have families who faithfully serve the country and deserve thanks.
It’s not just the active duty soldiers that deserve thanks though. Veterans have suffered since their war ended with budget cuts, being called back in to fight, etc. Some have suffered damage like post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), memory loss due to head damage and losing time to raise their children because they are busy protecting the country. Since most won’t get as much money when they get out like they thought, they at least deserve a thank you from the people they have faithfully served.
Neugent has everything planned out, and is proud of the work they have been able to accomplish. He is happy to give back to all soldiers.
“The deadline is October 31, and we are planning to send them out right after that in the month of November. We sent request to all of the principals, and asked them to help out. We have Davis, Hurricane, and Hill Farm so far.” Neugent said. “We’re taking some of the cards to the V.A and we will be mailing some to active duty soldiers both over seas, and in the U.S.”