Erin Murphree: “I was surprised and really happy,” Erin Murphree said. “I felt really good and confident after I heard the news.”
The cheer team nominated Murphree.
Of all the nice things someone could truthfully say about you, which one would make you feel the best?
“Godly,” Murphree said, “because I’m an extremely Christian person.”
Murphree participates on the freshman cheer team.
“I feel like it’s a good representation of me,” Murphree said. “People voted for me because of my good qualities.”
Kendal Rogers: “When I heard the intercom come on, I got butterflies in my stomach,” Kendal Rogers said. “I didn’t expect for me to make it at all, but I’m happy that I made it.”
The basketball team nominated Rogers.
Would you rather have a job you didn’t like, that paid a lot, or a job you loved, that paid just enough to get by on? Why?
“I’d rather have a job that I liked,” Rogers said. “If I’m doing what I love then it wouldn’t matter what I got in return.”
Rogers is a part of the cheer team, Teachers of Tomorrow and basketball.
“I feel like I’m a good role model for the rest of my class,” Rogers said. “It also shows that anything’s possible if you set your mind to it.”
Jadyn Lewis: “I was in English class with Natalie Pierce when we heard that we made homecoming court,” Jadyn Lewis said. “We both hugged each other and were really excited.”
Teachers of Tomorrow nominated Lewis.
Do you have many mementos and souvenirs? If so, how much money would someone have to give you to get you to throw them all away?
“Yes, I have trophies and medals from track and softball,” Lewis said. “Two million dollars because I worked really hard to get those.”
Lewis spends her extra time on the basketball court or in track and TOT.
“I wanted people to nominate me because they think that I’m nice to them,” Lewis said. “Not because I’m one of those pretty girls, but because they know me since I’m nice.”
Natalie Pierce: “I was scared about whether or not if I would make it,” Natalie Pierce said. “But I was also excited for it.”
The freshman dance team nominated Pierce.
What is your favorite TV show? Would you eat a worm sandwich if it meant that next week you could appear on your favorite TV show?
“Say Yes To The Dress is my favorite show,” Pierce said. “No, worm sandwich are gross, and the show is for people getting married, and I’m not getting married.”
Pierce is on the dance team and plays soccer outside of school.
“It’s an honor to be on the court,” Pierce said. “I’m really happy that I made it.”