Learn about the sophomores who were elected for Homecoming Court.
Hadley Balisterri: “I was excited for this,” Hadley Balisterri said. “I’m excited that my team voted me on, and I get to represent them.”
The dance team nominated Balisterri.
What is your biggest fear? How would your life be different if you suddenly overcame it?
“Disappointing people. I’m a people pleaser,” Balisterri said. “I wouldn’t have to worry so much about what other people thought of me, which would be helpful.”
Balisterri is on the dance team, which consumes her time.
“My sister’s been on homecoming court before,” Balisterri said. “It’s wonderful that I can follow in her footsteps.”
Blakelee Gray: “I feel very honored to be chosen for this,” Blakelee Gray said. “I’m really excited as well.”
Gray is a member of the Art Club.
If you could fly for one day, where would you go? Why there?
“I would go to China probably,” Gray said. “I’ve never been out of the country before, and it’d be interesting to experience something new.”
The Art Club nominated Gray.
“It’s a really big honor to be picked for this,” Gray said. “It’s always looked really fun; getting to wear those long pretty dresses and crowns and getting to see the other girls as well.”
Haley Hood: “I didn’t really hear that I had made it because I was on the bus headed to the Salt Bowl,” Haley Hood said. “Then lots of my friends were congratulating me, and I had no clue what they were talking about. They explained that I had made homecoming court, so I’m really excited.”
Football nominated Hood.
If you could change any one thing about the way you look, what would it be? Why?
“I’d like to be a little bit taller,” Hood said. “In track, it’d help me get the upper hand in sprints, which would help immensely.”
Along with track, Hood is in cheer, Youth Alive and Teachers of Tomorrow.
“I like doing all of the dressing up that we don’t normally get to do,” Hood said. “I love getting all made-up for events; it’s very fun.”
Shayla McKissock: “My class didn’t get the announcements, so I found out afterwards when everyone was texting me. I was really surprised because I didn’t think I would make it,” Shayla McKissock said. “It made me happy because even though it’s not really that big of a deal, it’s important. It also made me feel like people liked me, so that made me happy too.”
The football team nominated McKissock.
What is your dream job/career? Why that?
“I think dentistry would be interesting,” McKissock said, “because I want to be in the medical field, and I like teeth.”
McKissock is on volleyball, softball and Youth Alive.
“I wanted to be on it because I’m representing the sporty girls,” McKissock said. “Everyone else is more so the pretty ones, and I’m the sporty one, so I get to represent a different group than the others.”