Learn about the seniors on 2013’s homecoming court.
Alex Nelson:
“I’m really excited; it’s my first and last time to ever be on it.”
If you could pull a Freaky Friday with anyone, who would it be?
“Mila Kunis, because I think she’s fabulous. She’s dating Ashton Kutcher and he’s really cute and she’s gorgeous. It would be fun to get pampered and stuff for a day.”
Nelson is a cheerleader, and the football team nominated her.
“It’s my senior year, and I’ve tried to make sure that I’ve talked to people this year that I’ve never even met before,” Nelson said. “I think that might be one of the reasons I got on court this year. I’ve tried to expand the people I talk to and have tried to make new friends.”
Rori Whittaker:
“When I heard the news, I was doing a lab in human anatomy and a lot of people have already left so it was quiet,” Rori Whittaker said. “I didn’t want to like celebrate, but I kind of just jumped up and down and everyone told me congrats. Then Bryce Denker and Austin May ran up to me and gave me a hug.”
Imagine that the principal told you that he wanted you to make the school better and would change it in any one way you suggested. What would you tell him to do?
“I would make there less walking to get to classes. I just don’t like walking so much, Building 10 is a lot of it, with having more classes in there,” Whittaker said “I’m practically in a different building for each class, so just make everything closer together.”
Football also nominated Whittaker. She spends her time kicking a ball around when she plays soccer.
“My sister was on the court when she was in high school,” Whittaker said. “I saw how much fun she had and I really wanted to experience it.”
Leah Ward:
“I was in chemistry. I had my headphones in, and when I heard it, I was really happy,” Leah Ward said. “I was happy to hear that Alex got it too because she’s my best friend. It was a great feeling.”
If you could grow up to be famous and successful, what would you like to be known for? Why?
“I’d like to be known for being good to other people and helping. I don’t care so much about being famous. I’d like to be successful.” Ward said. “And being known for making the best of any situation. That’s what I try my hardest to do. I would want somebody to recognize that out of everything else.”
The football team nominated Ward. She also is on track and Student Senate.
“I think that a lot of girls want to be on the court. It really is an honor, you feel like, people want you to be a representative for your school and that’s just a good feeling.” Ward said. “Every girl deserves it, I feel that people are beautiful in their own way and I feel that the girls that were chosen are great girls and they’re great representatives.”
Emma Patrick:
“I was just surprised and excited that people would pick me,” Emma Patrick said.
Which Disney Princess is your favorite? Why?
“Belle. She’s smart and she actually works,” Patrick said with a grin on her face. “But she’s also a princess.”
NHS nominated Patrick. She also is part of the Student Senate and helps with their events.
“I thought it’d be a really fun opportunity and experience,” Patrick said. “I’m just really excited.”
Melinda Murdock:
“I was in AP Psychology and it was towards the end of class. I heard them come over the announcements and I was like ‘I hope I get it; I hope I get it,’ crossing my fingers and listening,” Melinda Murdock said. “They announced me first out of the seniors and I yelled ‘Yes!’ Everyone was telling me congratulations and I was super excited.”
If you could have any one magical power, what would it be? Why?
“Reading people’s minds. It’d kind of be annoying for some people, but that would be cool. I’m interested in like how everybody thinks. That’s probably part of the reason I’m in psychology because I love the whole makeup of the mind, I think it’s an amazing thing,” Murdock said. “So If I could read people’s minds, I’d probably the most awesome psychologist there ever was.”
Murdock was on the court last year.
“I really enjoyed being on the court last year; it was a fun experience,” Murdock said. “Because it’s my last year, I really wanted to enjoy it again and have fun with it.”
She is on the cross-country and track team and Murdock was nominated by the team.
“I’m happy with everybody who got homecoming court,” Murdock said. “I didn’t want it to be the typical popular girls, and this year it’s really spread out and given to people who really deserve it.”