Camp Aldersgate serves children with medical, physical and developmental challenges.
Cortez said it will be her first year to volunteer at the camp, which she heard about from junior Anna Smith, who volunteered last summer.
“She is volunteering this summer, but we didn’t get assigned the same week,” Cortez said.
To get accepted, she first had to apply to the camp and was required to get immunization and a Tuberculosis skin test. Following the skin tests, the camp staff interviewed her. She said they asked her scenario questions.
Before she goes to the camp, she has to have a day of training June 15 with the other campers.
“I am always super nervous when I first meet new people, but I open up quick,” she said.
At the camp, she will swim, do trust exercises, physical activities like archery and participate in craft.
She is excited to go and volunteer and be around the kids, and thinks it will be a great experience.
“I love being around kids, and when I found out I was blessed to be a part of the camp. I have a special place in my heart for special needs children,” she said.