Going to college is a tough choice for many students. Whether it’s what college to go to, to live in a dorm or an apartment, or what to major in, students are faced with new dilemmas each day. Then there is the problem of money. Whether it’s through student loans, or scholarships, students who are attending college will need help.
“I’m on the baseball team,” junior Dalton Holt said. “I plan to get a scholarship through athletics.”
Colleges all across Arkansas are offering scholarships for students who are a part of the Arkansas Scholars community. Students can find more about Arkansas Scholars by going to the website here. Through the Arkansas Scholars students can be notified when colleges have new scholarships for students.
But there is a certain criteria that all scholars’ members must follow to be apart of their community. Students must have semester grade of a “C” or above in all courses. They also need to achieve a 95 percent or higher attendance record, averaging over the four years they have been in high school.
Students also need to have completed certain courses to graduate high school and to prepare for future education such as: four units of English, three units of science (choosing from biology, chemistry, physics, and physical science, all lab based), four units of math (Algebra I, geometry, Algebra II, and an advanced math course), three units of social studies (world history, U.S. history, and a civics/government course), and need to complete the state required high school graduation requirements. The final criteria is that students need to finish high school in eight consecutive semesters. When a student meets all of these requirements and their school is in the Arkansas Scholar community, then a student can join.
Besides scholarships from the Arkansas Scholars, students can also discover many new scholarships through academics and sports activities. Depending on the student’s grades and the sports or clubs they are involved in, students can be awarded multiple scholarships, sometimes even achieving a full ride to a college in or out of state. Also, there is the Arkansas scholarship lottery that students can apply.
Most colleges even have their own scholarships for students can apply.
Students also can find new scholarships that the school obtains. Some scholarships are essays that students can write; others are awards that they can achieve through sports, band, journalism, club events and other extra curricular activities.
Another way for students to receive financial aid is through student loans at local banks. Some students also have been saving through their bank account ever since they were young.
“I’m not sure what college I want to go to yet,” Holt said. “But my parents have been saving money for me.”
Financial aid is available in many different places that students can apply to and discover. For more scholarships, visit the counselors, Building 10 room 306 by the nurse’s office.