Having 30 vehicles in her shop, senior Lindsey Suggs drives three of them, a Honda Accord, VW bus and a mudding truck.
Driving to and from school, Suggs said she drives her Accord the most. She drives the mudding truck she has, when she goes mudding. She said she drives her VW bus or as she likes to call it ,“hippie van” ,when the weather is nice.
“I love my hippie van because when I drive down the road, everybody smiles and I enjoy seeing them smiling at it,” Suggs said.
She said her father began working on vehicles before she was born. Suggs said the old Challenger in the movie “Vanishing Point” inspired him.
“When he got the money, he started the hobby of fixing cars,” Suggs said.
She said both her and her father’s hobby is to fix the vehicles. She keeps all the cars in the shop they own in North Little Rock. She said that is a way for her and her dad to bond with each other.
“I like how fixing cars are old and different and nobody does that here,” Suggs said