Jr. Civitan, National Honor Society and AFROTC are collecting canned foods through Nov. 16. Donations for the food drive will be accepted in first block or first period classes.
Kelli Fulton, NHS sponsor, helped combine the NHS, Bryant Jr. Civitan and AFROTC food drives four years ago.
“We were all doing a separate food drive around the same time, so we thought it was better to pull our resources and our students to have a bigger impact,” Fulton said.
The canned goods will be donated to the Salvation Army Food Bank in Saline County, a Christian charity movement with shops and work worldwide.
“People should donate for the satisfaction of helping those less fortunate out,” junior Gray Orman said.
Foods accepted for the drive are rice, beans, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, refried beans, boxed meals (Such as Hamburger Helper), individual size soups, canned vegetables, canned fruit, canned soups, oatmeal, sugar, flour, and other items.
“We’re looking for as much food as we could possibly get. There’s no so thing as too much food,” Kristen Scarlett, NHS treasurer, said.
In the lead for the freshman food drive is math teacher Doug Maxwell’s class with 285.75 ounces. In the lead for 10-12 is science teacher Janet Watson’s class with 1341.7 ounces.