Their work is definitely all in the family. Danny Westbrook, Vicki Westbrook, Amber Westbrook and Lisa Westbrook Stine graduated and work here. Danny coaches ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth grade cross country and teaches a ninth grade health class. Vicki teaches business classes. Amber teaches history and co-sponsors Student Senate. Lisa teaches ninth grade English and advises yearbook in the Freshman Academy.
First to arrive at the high school was Danny, 32 years ago. As a child he spent a lot of time in the community. Throughout the years in the community, he always thought this was an outstanding community and had a great school district.
“I wanted to teach here because one, my future wife lived here and I spent a lot of time in the community and two, it was a great school district,” he said.
Before Vicki came to the school, she and Danny got married in her senior year of college. After college, Vicki came to join her husband here. Danny suggested to the principal contacted his wife for a business position because he knew she had a business degree. This has been at home ever since.
“I graduated from here in ’79 so this is the only school I’ve ever gone to or taught at, so it’s all I know,” Vicki said.
After she graduated college, their oldest daughter a 2005 graduate, Lisa, came to teach at the high school. She had always thought this was a great school. When she graduated from college, she was glad she got a teaching job in her hometown.
“I definitely did want to work at Bryant because it is a great school, but it really came down to the fact that I was right out of college and I was offered a job,” she said.
The last to join her family is their youngest daughter a 2008 graduate, Amber. Like her family members, Amber had luck on her side. Several history teachers retired giving up several positions. She was grateful to be back in her old high school and teaching with her family by her side.
“I loved Bryant High School when I was a student here and I still have the same passion for it. It is strange to me at times to be walking the same halls I walked as a student not too many years ago as a teacher,” she said.
When in need of advice, they can go to each other to get what they need. They don’t get to see each other every second, but just enough time to sit and collaborate with each other.
“We do collaborate a lot as a family. I go to my parents and my sister for advice, suggestions and to share teaching ideas all the time. It is great to have people to talk to about school and teaching. I think that having my family to depend on has been a lifesaver in getting me through the first month or so and will continue to help me throughout my teaching career,” Amber said.