A new club has been added to BUZZ time at Bryant High School, the Forensics Club which allows students to get a look into forensic science. Amanda Forte created the club with junior Maria Arroyo Gonzalez .Gonzalez and Forte created the club to help students explore forensic science as a career possibility.
”I started the Forensics Club because Maria and I were talking and she was telling me she loves forensic science,” Forte said. “We decided it would be really fun to start a club and do some of the labs together.”
Gonzalez makes sure that everything is in order in the google classroom and assists in making sure things get done such as passing out paper and making announcements in the google classroom.
“I just help and pass out papers and she [Mrs Forte] is the one who explains them,” Gonzalez said “ Sometimes take the role of unofficial club president.”
Senior Faiza Ola joined the club to help her get a better understanding of her career path in computer forensics. Ola discovered the club when choosing a BUZZ time and enjoys being surrounded by people who have the same interests as her.
“Recently we are learning how to identify fingerprints and how to lift fingerprints from surfaces and all that and just learning about certain crimes,” Ola said. “I took criminal law last year and I kinda was able to put what I learned into practice.”
Sophomore Madox Parker hopes to get involved with the FBI and CIA as he gets older. The Forensics Club has allowed Parker to be hands-on by being able to do different labs such as fingerprinting.
“If you find forensics or anything in that field interesting even if it falls under biology and other sciences and stuff I would 100 percent recommend it,” Parker said.
Gonzalez hopes students will consider joining the club and possibly find a new interest in forensic science.
“[It’s] an opportunity to explore this as a career possibility and be able to do something that you enjoy learning about at school.”