Bryant Legacy students tried out for one of Arkansas School Band and Orchestra Association’s All-State bands (commonly called all-region band) on Saturday, Jan. 18. The all-region bands include two jazz bands, three choirs, two orchestra bands and two ensembles. All-region band tryouts are hosted by the Arkansas School Band and Orchestra Association (ASBOA) and provide students with the chance to work alongside other young musicians.
Sophomore Charlie Denton has made the roster several times. This year, she earned herself a second chair spot in first ensemble.
“All-region is a great opportunity for me to practice for other auditions that I’ll have to complete throughout my life,” Denton said.
The all-region bands consist of student musicians from across the state; however, Bryant students have consistently made up a majority of the main two ensembles.
“All-Region is nerve-wracking for a lot of people,” Denton said. “In Bryant especially, there’s a lot of pressure to place in one of the two bands.”
But it’s not just placing that causes worry. According to junior Daniel Reyes, another aspect of tryouts that causes anxiety is waiting.
“It can be incredibly stressful having to wait for the examples to be released and waiting on your turn to go in,” Reyes said.
Despite the stress, all-region band provides an opportunity for students to grow alongside musicians from other districts within the state.
“Personally, I’m looking forward to the chance to prove my skills playing against people from across the region,” Denton said.