On Tuesday Nov. 12, graphic design and TV production students participating in SkillsUSA, attended a meeting held in Graphic Design Teacher Lindsay Fell’s classroom. The meeting consisted of different team building activities, fundraising ideas and community service plans for November as an aim to discuss and prepare for their duties as a chapter.
SkillsUSA is the largest Career and Technical program/competition in the nation for high school students going into technical jobs such as TV news, graphic design, welding, nursing and more. For Bryant, TV production and graphic design students compete in competitions on the state and national level. The chapter was started in 2021 when TV Productions teacher Michael Westbrook got hired.
“I wanted to make sure my students here experienced what we were able to experience with SkillsUSA when I was teaching in Texarkana,” Westbrook said.
In 2022, graphic design started competing which ultimately led to the two electives combining into the chapter.
“With the addition of graphic design, we had the ability to actually begin hosting monthly meetings and build teamwork among the two groups,” Westbrook said.
The chapter includes seven officers, made up of both groups, who are in charge of organizing meetings, team bonding activities and leading fellow members. A chapter is required in order to compete at state. One of those officers includes junior and chapter secretary Jennifer Mendoza.
“As secretary, it’s my responsibility to keep track of information regarding meetings and events for the other officers,” Mendoza said. “The main thing I’m required to do is maintain all records, documents and rules of SkillsUSA.”

Aside from being an officer, Mendoza is in Intermediate Graphic Design. Outside of working on her own graphic design work, Mendoza is also working with her team
“The officers are currently already working on fundraising for competitions and I’m planning to get together with my team to discuss ideas for state competition,” Mendoza said.
In terms of fundraising, the groups have been selling chocolate and developing ideas to present to their members.
“More fundraising will be soon to come,” treasurer Chase Morgan said, who is in charge of the financial aspect of the chapter.
“We try to get to know each other better during our meetings and we also plan community service,” junior and president Kaylee Anderson said. “This month we are helping the Kids Closet.”

Kids Closet is a Community service Project created by the Bryant Rotary club that provides free clothing and basic essentials for kids in Saline County. SkillsUSA requires community involvement, so they are fulfilling that duty by participating in helping as a chapter.
In general, to qualify for competition, students have to make a commitment by joining the national organization with teams beginning formulating in November and December of each year.
“I evaluate throughout the year their work ethic, talent and attitude for competitions,” Westbrook said.“My favorite part is seeing students who are hesitant about their role or competition ultimately break out of that shell and end up being very successful.”