by Madison Lowe.
Students from AP art history and AP studio art created a portfolio containing 24 pieces of their work due May 11.
“In AP studio art, instead of writing an exam they are to submit a portfolio,” art teacher Karen McManus said. “Five original works are to be sent into the board where they will be judged on a scale of 1-6, six being the highest.”
The portfolios will be mailed to Dallas where several art professors will judge their work.
“It’s very demanding trying to maintain 12 works that don’t get boring or repetitious,” McManus said. “It’s a lot of work.”
The portfolios are divided into three sections. The quality section will be the one sent in to be judged, breath, where the students separate their works into various medias and concentration, where students pick a theme and center their work around it.
“There are three different types of portfolios they can do,” McManus said. “They can do 2-D drawing, 3-D drawing or 3-D sculptures.”
Students will receive their scores back through the mail by the end of July.
“I really learned a lot,” junior Macy Crabtree said. “I worked hard and I’m excited to see what score they give me.”