Wrapping Up the Semester
Students plan for holiday break after exam week
Creating holiday cards, senior Justice Terry spends her last day in Caroline Earleywine’s 4th period English class. Christmas is Terry’s favorite holiday. “It’s great because you get to give and receive gifts,” Terry said.
December 17, 2020
The average high school student either dreads or loves December.
Most dread for this time of the year stems from semester exams. Fortunately, this is not the case this year, as administration directed teachers to give a unit test in place of a comprehensive semester exam, considering how this year has been equally challenging for students and teachers.
The schedule for test week Dec. 14-17 was elective exams on Tuesday, Science and English exams on Wednesday, Social Studies and Math on Thursday, and make-up exams on Friday.
Student enjoyment of this time of year stems from the holidays and the time off from school and work. Junior Bella Watkins feels that this is a nice opportunity to work and spend time with her family and friends.
“I work at Menchie’s [Frozen Yogurt], and I’m going to also be able to get to see other family that I don’t normally get to see throughout the year,” Watkins said.
It’s no secret that the ongoing pandemic has made this holiday season feel a little less holly and jolly.
“I feel like COVID has actually taken a big chunk of my Christmas away in a sense,” Watkins said. “I’m going to miss out on spending time with some of my family I don’t usually get to see because of the pandemic.”
Despite the challenges, many students are taking this time to remember the fun holiday traditions. Watkins’ family has a tradition where they each pick a “lucky peanut.”
“My grandpa on my mom’s side likes to call it the “peanut game”, where he fills peanut shells with money that ranges from $1 to $250, and we all pick one,” Watkins said.
Although the pandemic will be taking away some of her holiday traditions, Watkins says she will try to make the best of it.
“I’m ready to get all of my exams done on Thursday so I can go home and relax for two weeks,” Watkins said.