2017 Choir All-State
March 8, 2017
Battling nerves, hundreds of high school students waited impatiently for their numbers to be called.
Students from across the state gathered in Dover Feb. 3 to audition for the All-State choir. Bryant made history by having the most freshmen qualify and the most students overall make it.
Fighting off nerves, sophomore Areyannah Hale was one of the first to try out.
“I was really excited when I found out I made it, because all my hard work paid off,” Hale said.
Students have been practicing for months. Junior Gabriel Binns especially took his tryout very seriously.
“I practice whenever I can,” Binns said. “I sing at home, I sing here and I sing with my friends when we’re hanging out. Just whenever I get the chance.”

To receive placement, students are tested on three pieces they are given beforehand and how well they are able to read music. After singing the prepared music, students are asked to sing a selection they are given onsite.
“It tests your ability to read music and learn it quickly,” Binns said. “After 20 seconds, you have to sing it. However well you do, they have to score it.”
Emotions ran high after the results were released. Thirteen Bryant students made All-State, leaving some happy and others disappointed.
“Me and my friends who did make it cried a little bit,” Binns said. “It was a weird experience, because there was a lot of emotions like sadness, bitterness and jealousy.”
Binns considers all the hard work worth it to get to perform at the All-State concert Feb. 18 at the Hot Springs Convention Center.
“I’m excited,” Binns said. “We’re getting to meet choir famous people and it’s super nerdy. It’s great.”