Board Meeting Highlights
December 6, 2016
Millage Proposal:
The board passed a resolution that allows the board president to petition the Saline County Board of Election Commissioners to call for a special election on March 14, 2017. The exact budget will be published at least 60 days earlier than the election. All proposed changes from the millage will be started in the 2018-2019 school year.
Senior Julia Nall was one of two girls to represent Arkansas at the American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation in Washington D.C. While at Girls State, Nall established a mock government and met with Sen. Tom Cotton’s staff.
Senior John Mark Junkins was announced as a national merit semi-finalist after receiving exemplary scores on the PSAT and SAT and having a good academic record. Junkins is able to compete in the spring for a National Merit Scholarship.

Director’s Reports:
Business teacher Lindsey Forga updated the board on the apprenticeship program. Thirty-five percent are engaged in true unpaid internships while the others are employed at jobs. Transportation has not been a problem, but could be in the future.