Spirit Week: Punday Monday
Students participate in a relay race for a spirit week game.
October 18, 2016
Students and staff started off spirit week with their “punniest” outfit, strutting down the halls to show off their creativity for Punday Monday.
Decorating himself in furniture and household items, junior Austin McNeely transformed himself into a “One Night Stand.”
“I like to show my creativity,” McNeely said. “Spirit week is one week out of the whole school year when I can really do that.”
By taping a sign that reads “2000 Lbs” to his shirt, senior Rainey Singleton turned his last name into a pun and dressed up as a “single ton” for Punday.
“Everyone gets to dress up and have a good time,” Singleton said. “I’ve dressed up every year. It’s my favorite part.”
Wearing a ballgown covered in Mexican food, sophomore Naomi Brady styled “Taco Belle” on Monday.
“I found this dress at Goodwill for 10 dollars,” Brady said. “[I]thought it was pretty quality.”
Virtual teacher Jesse Emerson suited up and held out envelopes to his students to show off his “formal invitation” costume.
“I [dressed up] as formal invitation so I could invite people into my classroom and into building two, the virtual academy, while dressed in formal attire,” Emerson said. “I enjoy watching all the different costumes and the characters that the students may be.”