Dear Younger Self
May 20, 2016
Dear My Younger Self,
Here’s some advice to a younger me about surviving life in high school.
- Things are going to get tough in the next couple of years, but you can do it. It will seem easy to just duck your head and avoid people in high school, but it would be even easier to just be yourself.
- Never give up. You can do anything you set your mind to. Don’t ever change who you are to fit other people’s needs, or to just fit in. You’re perfect just the way you are. Right now, you’re in middle school, probably wondering what color bands to get for your braces or maybe even on your way to Dad’s house. You wonder if everything is going to be okay, and the answer is yes. When trials come in your life, trust that God will take care of them and there is no need to overthink every possible situation.
- When it comes time to move, be open to trying new things. Shine brightly everywhere you go. Don’t let your light dim in hard times.
- People may be rude at times, but don’t let it get you. Your life is like a roller coaster: it has up and downs, twists and turns, but you just have to enjoy the ride, or you’ll miss life’s blessings.
- Challenge yourself to do things you wouldn’t imagine doing. Push yourself to be the best person you can be.
- Don’t overthink things, especially when it comes to classwork and about what others say about you.
- Don’t rush high school. Before you know it, it will already be over. Be grateful for things such as hanging out with your friends and hanging out with your family. Cherish those moments.
- Don’t let small things bother you. Just let go and let God have control over the big and little issues in your life.
- Create a place where you can be yourself, such as an organization. At the end of ninth grade, try out for newspaper. It’s a place where you don’t have to worry about others judging you and where you can express your true feelings.
- Lastly, don’t worry about what is going to happen in the future. Your future is as bright as you make it. If you focus on the negative, your day will be negative. But if you focus on the positive in your life, it will indeed turn out to be positive.
Stay true,
Abby Hagner