Nevada Republican Caucus
Stay updated this political season with Prospective Online’s consistent coverage of the 2016 presidential election.
February 26, 2016
The Feb. 23 Nevada Republican caucus did not break the “Trump-on-top” trend. Donald Trump won with 14 delegate votes. In his victory speech, he claimed, “We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated,” along with going into further detail about his future plans for America.
Marco Rubio was far behind, coming in second with seven delegate votes, leaving a huge gap between him and Trump. After the results came in, Rubio did not give a speech or talk to potential voters.
Rubio’s spot was not easy to come by, with Ted Cruz following close behind with six delegate votes. Cruz’s third place finish was followed by a list of spiteful tweets from Trump, as he tries to take away the support behind Cruz.
Ben Carson and John Kasich both finished with one delegate vote each.
According to Real Clear Politics, in total, Trump has 81 delegate votes, Cruz and Rubio are tied at 17, Kasich has six and Carson has four.
The next election will be March 1 in 13 different states.
This election will be closely watched as the numbers continue to shift, getting voters closer to the final candidates. With only five republican candidates left in the race, delegate votes and public support are more important than ever.