Iowa Caucus Results
Stay updated this political season with Prospective Online’s consistent coverage of the 2016 presidential election.
February 2, 2016
Last night’s caucuses in Iowa ran almost too close to call. While the first precincts reported results around 7:30 pm Central time, officials were still counting Democratic results today. Bernie Sanders called the results a “virtual tie” and Hillary Clinton is announcing her victory. The Democratic candidates’ percentages ran within decimals of each other, with Clinton just barely winning the popular vote and one more delegate than Sanders. Meanwhile, Martin O’Malley announced he was dropping out of the race after winning only one delegate in Iowa.
The Republican results were much clearer, with Ted Cruz winning eight delegates with 27.7 percent of the Republican vote, followed by Donald Trump with seven delegates and 24.3 percent and Marco Rubio with seven delegates and 23.1 percent, according to the Iowa caucus website. Mike Huckabee joined O’Malley in dropping from the race after only receiving 1.8 percent of the votes.
The next event in the election will be the New Hampshire primaries on Feb. 9.
Allie Studdard | Feb 3, 2016 at 11:20 am
With such a close race, I’m super excited for elections. I can’t vote this election, but plan on keeping updated with the politics. Keep the updates coming!